About Me
“The key to perfection lies in the synthesis of the wisdom of the East and the science and progress of the West.”
For many years I have been living a yogic lifestyle and have immersed myself into mystic traditions and practises for self-realisation.
My name is Madhavi and I am a certified psychologist and coach as well as founder and CEO of Soulfood Academy. It is my passion to help people transform their life and create their unique lifestyle design so they can experience and be their authentic self. Besides what I’ve studied, it’s predominantly my own life experience that has shaped me and enables me to guide others through their challenges, expanding their life’s vision and attaining their goals in life. Within the last 10 years, I had the joy to be a mother; I experienced the pain of losing my child six months after. When my husband decided to become monk, my previous life fell apart. I had to learn to let go of attachment and dependency and to transcend the pain. This led me to discover my path, being and purpose in life.
After a period of living a renunciate life in an Ashram in Vrindavan, India, the heart of devotion, I then set out to the heart of business, Frankfurt, where I worked for an Academy as a speaker and coach in corporate health, personal development and leadership. Aside from my corporate job, I’ve been working as a freelancing psychologist, counselling my corporate and private clients as well as conducting corporate retreats, yoga and meditation classes. Life has now brought me back to what I feel is my soul’s home and mother, India. From here, I am deepening my knowledge and experiences to share them with clients around the world.
Our life today is very convenient, but at the same time a dissatisfaction has crept in, a problem that exists only for humans. Comfort has brought great inner discomfort and depression, the greater the physical comfort, the greater the restlessness; with increasing distance from this comfort zone, inner peace increases.
Professional training:
- Clinical and Business psychologist M.A.
- Business and Leadership Coach
- EFT Tapping with Steve Wells
- Certified Ayurveda Therapist Level 1
- Certified Yoga teacher
- Yoga Aktuell Magazine (Feb/March edition 2021)
Mission & Vision
Soulfood integrates various resources to create a holistic experience, supporting you in your personal journey towards wholeness. While having its foundation in western psychology and coaching, the roots reach far deeper, drawing on the ancient science of Ayurveda, a holistic approach incorporating individual guidelines for health and wellbeing, ensuring nourishment to body, mind and spirit and facilitating our realignment.
For those aspiring to unfold their human potential, Soulfood offers a spiritual perspective that is based on ancient vedic knowledge, infused with the love and devotion of the Bhakti Yoga tradition, encouraging each one of us to find the Divine in our hearts.